
Made in psp9


Unzip and load tubes to psp and minimize them
the frame in frames folder

The Image " below you can use as "pointer" so you know how far you are

New layer str 550x 400 transperant

Activate tube with the lady - resize 2 times and place her down in the right corner

Activate hat tube- resize as your likeness
and place it on the edge of the sofa

Activater window tube- copy and paste as new layer and move it
behind her - in your layers - pull the layer down (see image)

Make sure the layer with the window is active
Activate your selection tool - rectangel
and draw like here

Layers - new layer

Still selected - aktivate the tube"Blue lake" og paste into selection
move the layer under the window
Layers - new layer (still selected)and floodfill with a dark gradient
Move the layer to the bottom

Selection none

Activate tube with the flowertable- resize 1 time

copy and paste as new layer and move it down to the left
Activate selection tool again and draw an rectangel over half the image

Find your pattern "Line art Lavender" and with these settings

Floodfill your layer - select none

Layers- new layer - draw a new rectangel with your selection tool on the lower part of the image
and floodfill with the color b1b0d0 - Select none

If you have still an edge where you see the background then you can use the "deform tool" to pull the pattern further to the edge

Add shadow to the couch-

and again but with a mark in "Shadow on new layer"
with your deform tool push the shadow downwards as you like-

Add shadow to the windowlayer tooBUT with no mark in "Shadow on new.."

Layers - merge visible

Image - add frames - find the frame and add it

Merge visible
Resize your image 1 time
when you resize make sure that you don't have "All layers" check marked
move the image a little down
Activate ther tube"ophæng" - copy paste as new layer and move the layer under the image
Merge all layers visible

You are done

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial
